Montblanc UNICEF Pass It On Dubai Event
The great series of customizations on a global scale had just started with Montblanc. I had just participated in the regional launch of the « Pass It On » campaign in New York. A campaign materializing the collaboration between UNICEF and Montblanc and whose products specifically created for the occasion will help support UNICEF’s action. One of the major causes targeted is the education of children around the world. And the implementation of programs to promote their access to education. So I took part in the New York event and two weeks later I found myself in Dubai, a totally new city for me and where I will decide to settle five years later.
The private party organized in Dubai, W Dubai Hotel, Al Habtoor City
I could be wrong, but it looks like this is my first real event for live customization. More precisely the first with a volume of orders with great intensity where I was very busy from the beginning to the end of the evening almost without interruptions. A good opportunity for the local marketing team to appreciate the success of this type of animation. And also to get to know me. This is the start of a very nice series of collaborations with this team, some of whom are now friends of mine (Hey Izzy!).
To come back to the event, Montblanc had reserved the main hall of the W Hotel on the evening of April 8, 2017. Several spaces were set up to display the products specially designed for UNICEF, but also for my intervention. I can testify that the organization was simply perfect and I have rarely had the opportunity to participate in such well organized events.
At the end of the event where my intervention was widely noticed and appreciated, Stephanie asks me: “Hakim, have you ever been to India? “. Two weeks later, I land in Bombay, my suitcase full of brushes!